What Should a Baby Wear to Bed?

What Should a Baby Wear to Bed

Simple tips for first-time parents to help your baby and you get a good night’s rest.


How should you dress your baby for bed? It might sound like a simple question but to a new parent, this simple challenge can be intimidating. First-time parents will Google the most hilarious things such as “Is it normal for my baby to poop eight times a day?” or “Is it okay to wake a sleeping baby?”.

In today’s post, we will help clarify one of the most Googled questions first-time parents ask – “What should a baby wear to bed?”

The general rule of thumb for dressing an infant is putting your little one in one additional layer based on the temperature of the room but comfortable enough to fall asleep. Consider onesies, sleep sack, swaddle sacks in warmer months and long-sleeved pajamas and heavier sleep sacks for colder months.

It is ideal to have a baby slightly underdressed than bundled in lots of layers. The danger of overdressing is overheating and has been linked to a great risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Swaddle Sacks or Swaddle Blanket (The Baby Burrito)

Newborns respond well to being swaddled, this technique can help infants feel safe and soothe – like being back in the womb. A cotton swaddle is a great choice as it is lightweight, breathable and super soft.

There are two swaddles available – swaddle sacks and swaddle blankets to show off your baby-burrito wrapping skills. The difference between the two is a swaddle blanket is meant to entirely wrap the baby and restrict the movement, while a sleep sack is like a pair of pajamas without legs.

Swaddle sacks are no longer considered a safe option after your little one starts rolling over. This would be the time your baby transitions over to a wearable blanket.